Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. It is produced by bacteria and other organisms through the breakdown of organic matter. When cows are raised ecologically the methane they produce becomes part of the natural methane cycle. And this brings us around to Bill Gates’position on farts, which is the subject of this RegenLife Minute.

Speaking of famous people letting us down, I saw the other day that Oliver Stone has made a documentary which proposes that nuclear energy is the solution to the climate crisis.  It’s called Nuclear Now.  Once again, there seems to be a confusion between the solution to the energy crisis and the solution to the climate crisis. Renewable and nuclear energy may help us solve the energy crisis, but their implementation is not going to solve the climate crisis, unless we also restore the forests, fields, wetlands, and oceans.

We just got a great review of Regenerating Life from Peter Bunyard, FLS, author of Extreme Weather: The Cataclysmic Effects of Climate Change in which he wrote: “John Feldman’s film is a masterpiece in which he puts life, in terms of healthy ecosystems, centre-stage as the Earth’s extraordinary global-temperature regulator.”

John Feldman