On Friday, October 25 and Sunday, October 27 Symbiotic Earth was shown at the Friday Harbor Film Festival on San Juan Island in Washington State. I participated in a post-screening Q&A via Skype for Friday’s screening. One of the festival’s organizers, Norris Palmer, wrote me an email reporting that he and the audiences loved the film. He saw the film as a testament to the ways in which the old guard can get in the way of science because of gender bias and attachment to established theory. He particularly liked Fritjof Capra’s statement that as our knowledge increases so does our awareness of how much is still unknown. And, he loves that bacteria run the planet!
I also participated in person in a lively Q&A at the September 19th screening of Symbiotic Earth at Rockefeller University in Manhattan. The screening was presented by the Rockefeller University Science Communication and Media Group.
On December 11th Symbiotic Earth will be screened at the University of Valencia in Spain.
Symbiotic Earth is available to stream at home on iTunes; OVID; Vimeo; and Amazon and that the DVD can be purchased from Icarus Films or on Amazon. It’s helpful if after viewing the film, people post reviews on Amazon and/or IMDb.
Lynn Margulis’ symbiotic worldview continues to inspire me as I work on my new documentary, which is about how the system of Life on Earth regulates the climate and the ways people are working to re-establish natural hydrologic cooling cycles through ecosystem restoration and regenerative agriculture. We’ll update you on this project as we move forward.