Saturday October 20, 2018

Bioneers 2018 Conference, San Rafael, CA

John Feldman reports:
We had a wonderful screening of Symbiotic Earth at Bioneers 2018 Conference.  Because of limited time, we showed the Introduction and Essays 2, 3, 6, and 7.  This worked very well!  I gave a five minute introduction to the film and went over the content of the Essays they were not going to see.  About 150 people enthusiastically watched the film, laughed and gasped at all the right places and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  Afterwards, I answered several questions about Lynn Margulis’s work including her relationship to the Gaia Theory and her struggles with the scientific establishment.  Bioneers is a remarkable gathering of people working toward social and environmental justice.  I was honored to show the film there and pleased to get such an enthusiastic response.

(Photo of filmmaker John Feldman and cinematographer Gino Rose at Bioneers)



Saturday, October 28, 2018

Healthy Immunity: From Birth to Old Age, Ashland, OR

Jennifer Margulis sent us a report:
The conference was outstanding—fascinating, cutting-edge, and unexpected. The turn-out for the film was fantastic—we had over 110 people there, including professors and students from Southern Oregon University, Rogue Community College, and Ashland High School, as well as community members, and many of the out-of-town conference attendees. The audience seemed riveted. The film tied the conference together in a profound way—the idea that we learn more with a systems approach than a mechanistic approach, which Dr. Baker had also emphasized and which in some ways was what our entire day of science and health had been about—was the perfect way to end. People were very impressed with Lynn Margulis’s work, and felt empowered by learning about a strong woman in a man’s world who held her own against the naysayers.

Jennifer also shared an email she received from a conference attendee:
Wow.  So first of all, I owe you a big thank you … I found almost the entire day to be interesting, and that movie about your Mom was simply breathtaking, and may be helpful to me in framing a project that is forming in my path.   So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!    I remember hearing about Lynn in my pre-med days, in a botany class with a wonderful teacher Dr. Theiret. …   I could not be more thrilled to have seen that movie.  And what a blessing in your life to have grown up with her. ~Dr. Ricky Kirschner, naturopathic doctor and author

(Photo of Jennifer Margulis)