Audience at Oxford University Premiere of Symbiotic Earth

Oxford University
Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 1 pm

The World Premiere of Symbiotic Earth at Oxford University was a big success. In a beautiful wooden lecture theatre in the Sherrington Building, the audience was responsive, intrigued and enthusiastic about the film. The projection was excellent!  The discussion between Denis Noble (physiologist and evolution scientist, author of The Music of Life: Biology Beyond Genes and Dance to the Tune of Life: Biological Relativity) and me after the screening focused on the “Third Way of Evolution.”  The question and answer period was lively and intelligent. One question regarding whether we can derive our “ethics” from nature was most intriguing, and was picked up again in the Berkeley screening. To conclude we were all treated to a fabulous reception of savories and sweets and lots of wine thanks to the Department of Physiology.

The screening at Oxford was sponsored by Chelsea Green Publishing and Dr. Dan Sackett.  It was presented by Voices from Oxford.

We received many congratulatory comments and notes, but one e-mail from Miaw Ler Sim, a student of Medical Anthropology at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford has stayed with me and I want to share parts of it:

Thank you for producing such a wonderful film. I immensely enjoyed the film and the event…. I love the way you organize the contents, the flow of the film, the story-telling; you give colour to the “dreadful and boring” hard core science… Lynn is definitely my role model and her spirit and passion is still living through your film.

“Symbiotic Earth” is definitely a life-changing and even world-changing documentary. It holds such beautiful strength to call upon for reflection, to think and rethink on the current situation and crisis that we are suffering from. It is mind-blowing yet down to earth. Who we are, what we are, how we are, this film is the key for the door to the world. 
                                                                        Miaw Ler Sim, Oxford University

John Feldman and Denis Noble at Oxford screening (photo: Ian Hodges)
John Feldman at post-screening discussion (photo: Ian Hodges)