John Feldman

The Humanities Center at Texas Tech University presents “Regenerating Life: An Evening with John Feldman” as part if its Forest Speaker Series on Thursday, February 18 at 7:30 CST (USA & Canada).

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Filmmaker John Feldman will take us on the journey of discovery leading to his current project, Regenerating Life, a feature-length documentary in progress that challenges the prevailing climate-change story with a new narrative. “Regenerating Life” will examine a growing movement of farmers, activists, and scientists working to repair environmental and social devastation, protect ecosystems, and sustain healthy communities. Discussing his responsibility and role as a filmmaker in presenting the science and politics of climate change, Feldman will detail his research into the ways that trees and forests are key components of the planet’s water cycles. Through transpiration and the “biotic pump” that brings moist air in from the oceans, forests are essential natural agencies for cooling the planet. Putting this understanding of forests into environmental action could rapidly mitigate the climate crisis.