Plants Sweat too!
Just as we cool ourselves by sweating, plants cool themselves through their kind of sweating, which is called transpiration. A forest cools the planet. And in the process it brings fresh water in form the oceans. Think about that. I learned this while making regenerating life: how to cool the planet feed the world and live happily ever after.
The climate crisis is a full blown environmental crisis that goes far beyond the burning of fossil fuels. It is caused by humanity’s ongoing destruction and rampant exploitation of the living Earth, humans included. This living Earth, the biosphere, is self-sustaining and regulates its own temperature and weather patterns. It does this by cycling water through itself and through the atmosphere and back again.This biologically-modulated flow of water is both warming and cooling, creating its own temperature controlled space. We experience the climate crisis as an increase in severe hurricanes and storms coming off the oceans, floods, droughts, heat spells, desertification and wildfires. These are all about water, or the lack of water.