Barcelona screening of Symbiotic Earth (photo: Rubén Duro)

 Natural Science Museum of Barcelona

Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 6 pm

(a note from filmmaker John Feldman)

Wow! The Barcelona Premiere of Symbiotic Earth was gigantic. The Natural Science Museum of Barcelona is a beautiful modern building. Almost 300 people signed up for the event. Indeed it was necessary to add additional screening rooms in order to accommodate all the attendees. Ana Omedes (Director of the Musuem) , Ricardo Guerrero (microbiologist, Academic Director of the Academia Europaea-Barcelona Knowledge Hub), and I introduced the film, which was shown with Spanish subtitles. Everyone was rapt with attention throughout. Then we had a lively question and answer period about the film and Lynn Margulis. During the wine reception (sponsored by Academia Europaea-Barcelona Knowledge Hub) I spoke with several people who were very appreciative of the film, including two physicians who said it really opened their eyes and thought it should be shown to many of their colleagues.

Presented by Ricardo Guerrero, microbiologist, academic director of the Academia Europaea-Barcelona Knowledge Hub and the Natural Science Museum of Barcelona.

Here’s a bit from an e-mail I received from an artist, Anna Rierola, the day after the screening.

First of all I want to congratulate you for the fantastic film, it is so complete, clear and well structured, I only need time to assimilate all the information that was there and to watch the film over and over.

I am not a scientist, I am an artist that works with scientific images and I got really inspired and charged with positive energy listening to Lynn and all the information that was there.
– Anna Rierola

Entrance to the museum (Photo: Rubén Duro)
Post screening discussion with Ana Omedes, Ricardo Guerrero, John Feldman (Photo: Rubén Duro)